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Donald J. Bingle, Writer on Demand

MONSTERS Storybundle!

If you read a lot of books and you've never heard of Storybundle, you should definitely check it out. Basically, a Storybundle curator (in this case Kevin J. Anderson) picks a theme/topic/sub-genre and picks a dozen or so novels on that topic by a wide variety of authors who have submitted their books for Storybundle's consideration. Then the books are offered to the public for a limited time at a fantastic price. The buyer decides what to pay and can tweak their payment to give part to charity or allocate an extra bit to Storybundle. Usually, for a minimum contribution of $5, you can get a half-dozen novels in the ebook format of your choice . For as little as $15, you can get the whole dozen or so in the bundle. That's a great deal for readers. And, it so happens, Storybundles are a great deal for independent authors, too, since the promotion by a dozen participants in the bundle expands their social media breadth and gets their book and their name in front of readers who are particularly interested in the theme/topic/sub-genre of their book. Those readers might be tempted to get the Storybundle because of another author in the bundle they already know or one who is more famous, but once they've gotten all the books, they are more likely to read them all (and possibly review them) than if they were to get a book from an unknown author in a freebie promotion. The current Storybundle is on MONSTERS and it includes The Love-Haight Case Files by Jean Rabe and me. It also includes books by Josh Vogt, Matt Forbeck, Kevin J. Anderson, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Julie Frost, and others. All the authors are posting blogs with interesting stuff about their book or writing genre fiction and I'll get to that soon, but in the meantime, I'll be linking to blogs by some of the other authors in an effort to spread the word about them, their books, and the Storybundle. You also might want to take a look at other blog posts by these fine folks. First off, Kevin J. Anderson announces the Storybundle: Jean Rabe discusses how what Andre' Norton taught her helped launch The Love-Haight Case Files: Josh Vogt discusses laughter vs. screaming in his blog: And Keith R.A. DeCandido talks about Key West as a setting for his tales of weirdness at: Watch for more links to more cool blogs from the Storybundle authors in coming days! Don Donald J. Bingle Writer on Demand TM

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