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Donald J. Bingle, Writer on Demand

Frame Shop a Semi-Finalist in Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project; Finalists to be Announced S

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Great and gracious greetings! Being an author is like being an actor or a door-to-door salesman. There's lots of rejection and disappointment and you have to have a healthy ego to not let it get you down. Plus, you need to engage in a bit of shameless self-promotion. That's why I submitted Frame Shop to the Soon to be Famous Illinois Author Project last December, when it first came out. I'm happy to say that the top twelve books (i.e., the semi-finalists) have been announced and -- ta dahhh! -- Frame Shop made the list. The top three finalists will be announced later this month. I'll keep you informed either way. According to the website: "The Soon to be Famous Illinois Author project is being coordinated in collaboration with the Illinois Library Association (ILA) and Reaching across Illinois Library System (RAILS) and is supported by the American Library Association Digital Content Working Group, the Public Library Association (PLA), and Illinois Heartland Library System." You can find the full list of semi-finalists at Of course, this is your big chance to take Frame Shop off your to-be-read pile or dial it up on your e-reader, iPad, or smartphone and read it now, before the rest of Illinois (and the world) hears about this success. It's also a great time to post that honest, thoughtful review you've been meaning to write, so all the librarians have an opportunity to quote you when they are writing their newsletters about the contest and the semi-finalist books. And, just in case you still need a copy of Frame Shop or you are looking for the perfect gift for St. Patrick's Day, April Fools, Flag Day, or just to give to your favorite writer or mystery enthusiast, here's all the necessary links: Get the print copy on CreateSpace or Amazon: or Get the Kindle (mobi) version on Amazon: Get the Nook (epub) version on Remember, critiquing another writer can be murder.

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